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    Post-War Perk System

    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
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    Post-War Perk System Empty Post-War Perk System

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Mon May 03, 2021 10:34 am

    Post-War Perk System O8xPT3z

    Post-War Perk System

    The Post-War Perk System is a pilot program for a new addition to the Gladius Stat & Skill rules. The idea behind these perks are to test out new mechanics, benefits, and abilities that might be used to counter-balance stats. The ultimate goal is to create a set of incentives for players to not trade skills for stats which appears to be the overwhelmingly dominant build type on Gladius.

    The Post-War Perk System also is designed to reward players who have invested a significant amount of time and effort into the site's World War storyline. While many of the perks listed on this page are Universal, in that any player can choose them, there are some perks that are designated as being Veteran-specific. These are perks that can only be taken by players who have participated substantially in the War plot (can be on one or multiple characters, through Theater of War, Heavenly Emporium, or other plots that related to the broader conflict).

    The Post-War Perk System is divided into three Paths: The Path of Fellowship, the Path of Re-Awakening, and the Path of Inheritance. A player can select ONE Post-War Path for a single character that they possess. The reason we are limiting these perks to a single character is because they are quite potent and this will afford players a meaningful opportunity to test them out, without creating too much disruption in terms of site balance.

    These perks are meant to be temporary and will last for a total of 5 months. When the pilot program ends, the perks will be removed and characters will need to participate in the new system in order to keep them.

    Please see the full list of rules below regarding the system.

    Miscellaneous Rules & Notes

    - Each player is allowed to select one path for one individual character. This is claimed via update and cannot be changed once selected not even by a reset. Choose wisely!

    - The 5 month timer for the Post-War Perk System is uniform. It begins from the time of this post and shall end on: [PLACEHOLDER]. Regardless of absences, if you haven't gotten a chance to make the most of this system, then you will have to make the necessary trades/sacrifices to participate in the more complete perk system.

    - Because many of these concepts and benefits are new to Gladius, we ask that all players exercise proper judgment and good faith behavior when using them. Abuse of the perks may lead to them being removed from your character.

    - As part of this pilot program, perks are considered a standalone system. They cannot be enhanced or amplified by other aspects of the game including but not limited to: Techs, UAs, Custom Restricteds, etc. There is a general presumption against combining perks with other aspects of the game that may lead to imbalance.


    Path of Fellowship
    Path of Re-Awakening
    Path of Inheritance

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Post-War Perk System Empty Re: Post-War Perk System

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Sun May 09, 2021 10:38 am

    Post-War Perk System 00tGqKR


    The Shinobi World War was a time of unending division and chaos, but it was also a period of Fellowship and Comradery. From small squads to mighty legions, ninja were forced to rely on others for protection, comfort, and sanity. The Path of Fellowship is walked by those shinobi who fought with their backs against those they can trust. It is for the ninja whose experiences during the War were shaped by bonds of friendship, love, and loyalty. Even when alone, these shinobi are protected by the memories and ghosts of those who once fought alongside them. They refuse to yield in the face of the unconquerable because they know that they are not alone. When the War ended, their commitment to Fellowship did not cease. It grew stronger and now propels them to new heights of power and success.


    Alts Helping Alts: The universe often provides backup via the people you least expect. This perk allows a player to overcome the "Alts Helping Alts" Rule. This perk can only be invoked twice. A player may have one alternate character interact with another alternate character. The interaction lasts for one thread although in very limited circumstances may spill over into another in cases where an encounter or battle moves locations. The interaction can consist of the two alts fighting alongside one another as allies, fighting against each other as foes, or merely socializing with one another. The alts may share knowledge, equipment, and techniques with one another, but they may not exchange or give Exclusive Techniques, their own KKG, nor Restricteds. In instances where the alts fight one another, they may receive renown but no bonus experience for killing or capturing. You must post on both accounts separately.  [Veteran Specific Perk]

    Solo Roleplay: An encounter between two individuals not meant to cross paths often provides benefits to both parties. The Alts Helping Alts perk allows you to engage in solo roleplay for substantially more experience than is normally possible. Through this perk, you may gain multiplayer experience by posting on both alts in the same thread. If others join the thread then they may be counted along with any requisite bonus effects. This perk has a two page limit, so you will only gain experience for posts made on the first two pages. Posts starting on the third page will not yield any experience. You must post on both accounts separately. [Veteran Specific Perk]

    Clique: There is strength in numbers. The Clique perk consists of several ally-based benefits. The first benefit involves combination techniques. Those with the Clique Perk may register and learn combination jutsu (defined as a technique substantially involving at least one other PC) two ranks above their class. If the combination jutsu involves two other PC then such jutsu may be learned with no word count and may be immediately claimed via update once approved. The second benefit involves Renown. When working with one other person, the player gains a +25 bonus to any renown claim. When working with two other people, the player gains a +50 bonus to any renown claim. When working with three other people, the player gains a +100 bonus to any renown claim. The final benefit allows the user to nullify X-Tier stats when fighting alongside their comrades. When fighting with one ally, the nullification can be invoked at any time and will last for 5 rounds, when fighting with two allies, the nullification can be invoked at any time and will last for 7 rounds. When fighting with three allies, the nullification can be invoked at any time and will last for 13 rounds. The X-Tier Nullification benefit can only be used once per thread/fight/encounter although in very limited circumstances may spill over into another in cases where an encounter or battle moves locations. [Universal Perk]

    Shinobi Syndicalism: A ninja's journey to excellence is eased when his brothers and sisters walk alongside him. This perk allows a character to obtain a Restricted Technique at 3,000 Total Experience in addition to the regular Restricted claim at S-Class. The IC process of obtaining this Restricted Technique, be it canon or custom, requires at least one other PC to be present.   [Universal Perk]

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Post-War Perk System Empty Re: Post-War Perk System

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Sun May 09, 2021 10:39 am

    Post-War Perk System UqbahYK


    Not every shinobi wishes to close their career by dying on a battlefield. Retirement has always been a frequently exercised option before, during, and after the war. The burdens of the profession would weigh on any soul and few would begrudge those who seek the comfort of a life outside constant conflict. Yet what is dead may never die. Some grow restless in their retirement as they watch the world grow and change. They hunger to return to the fold and continue to make their mark on an ever-changing world.  The Path of Re-Awakening is also walked by those who have not let left the shinobi lifestyle, but have instead experienced a major change in perspective and understanding. These are the soldiers that have never stopped fighting, but rather have acquired a greater understanding of self and their larger purpose. Whether it be a veteran returning from retirement or a combatant with a new outlook, ninja often have unfinished business in the world of Kishin, and heaven help those who try to stop them from settling it.


    Triumphant Return: The dawn of a new era represents new opportunities, even for the weariest of souls. This perk allows a player to return one character from formal retirement. It does not allow for the resurrection of characters whose retirement occurred via death. Any rollover experience given away may be returned to the character coming out of retirement albeit at the cost of subtracting it from whomever it was given to. This will possibly result in the loss of certain expenditures and benefits. [Veteran Specific Perk]

    Executive Comeback: Retirement doesn't necessitate indolence. This perk allows a character to pick up and retain new skills and abilities they acquired while retired. This manifests itself as an additional Skill Point which can be traded for an additional Stat Raise. [Veteran Specific Perk]

    Accelerating Returns: Rest can have a compounding effect when one goes back to work. Returns that were was once diminishing now accelerate. The player receives 15% off on all experience related expenditures. This does not apply to total experience class-ups. [Universal Perk]

    Neo-Sanguinis: A Re-Awakening not just of the Spirit but of Blood. This perk grants a player the ability to acquire a single bloodline without going through the traditional implant process for a cost of 1,000 EXP. The player can specify whether this bloodline was latent or received as part of an implant, the storyline is completely up to them. This storyline must be written in a post with at least 1,000 words. For those who opted for the sealless jutsu UA, they must either: (1) drop the UA or (2) pay 2,000 EXP and select only three jutsu for their sealess UA to apply to. [Universal Perk]

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Post-War Perk System Empty Re: Post-War Perk System

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Sun May 09, 2021 10:40 am

    Post-War Perk System 5jwjOOG


    Power is not always acquired, it can also be inherited. Those who left the battlefield were not forgotten by those who remained.  These warriors often imparted lessons, artifacts, and memories that remained in the hearts, hands, and minds of the shinobi that continue to march forward. When we examine the First Shinobi World War, we come to realize that laws of succession, primogeniture, and entrustment take on a different character. The spoils of the dead and retired have a metaphysical component that cannot be diluted nor taxed. These spoils are so significant they do not just grant power, they have the ability to change the world at both the micro and macro levels. The Path of Inheritance is walked by shinobi that are beneficiaries to the heroic actions of their predecessors. They claim the sword, Nindo, and even family of those who had fallen and make them their own: to protect, cherish, and love forever. These are the soldiers that recognize that they stand on the shoulders of giants.


    Melt: Like matter, experience is transferred never destroyed. This perk allows the user to melt down and rollover ALL of their total experience to a new character or a set of characters. These characters can either be existing or new. The player call roll over 100% into one character or 50% between two characters or any other percentage configuration that suits their needs. This perk can only be used on characters that haven't already had their retired experience used for rollover purposes. [Veteran Specific Perk]

    Fresh Start: A ninja must be willing to break boundaries in order to pursue a new life and new ambitions. This perk allows the user to disregard the rules regarding village-locked clans. They may start a new character in any open village and be a member of any open Clan/KKG. However, they may not claim clan leadership if they are the sole active member of the KKG/Clan in question. [Veteran Specific Perk]

    The Three Unities & Side Arms

    The Perks for Inheritance work a bit differently than that of Re-Awakening and Fellowship. They are structured around Skill Points and thus are divided into two sets. The Three Unities (Major Skills) and the Side-Arms (Minor Skills). The Three Unities allows you to pick any two of the perks listed in this section. Side-Arms allow you to pick three. All perks in both sections are considered Universal.

    The Three Unities
    Pick Two

    Blindside: Illusions can cast a long and dark shadow over the unwary. Blindside makes it so that Sensors cannot sense your use of Genjutsu on themselves. Requires Genjutsu. 

    Triggerman: Reality can be thrown off by the simplest of gestures or words. Triggerman allows a Genjutsu user to select a single "Universal Trigger" which can be used as an alternative trigger for up to five Genjutsu in their possession. The Universal Trigger and the techniques it can be applied to are specified in the user's update thread and can only be changed once per activity check. Requires Genjutsu.

    Memetic Warfare: A well-crafted illusion is like a moving maze, trapping its victims for long periods of time with little hope of escape. This perk adds two posts to the amount of time it takes for the victim to recognize they are in a Genjutsu pursuant to the Genjutsu Rules. Requires Genjutsu.

    Blackout: History speaks of a secret sect of shinobi that learned how to cloak their casting from enemy sensors, this knowledge was once thought to be lost forever. No more. Blackout makes it so that your Ninjutsu Techniques cannot be sensed by those with Sensory, however, the Sensor will still be able to sense you as an individual. Requires Ninjutsu.

    Dual Casting: An innovation brought about by the War. Dual-Casting allows you to cast two different Ninjutsu simultaneously by using each hand to complete a different set of seals. This perk requires the One-Handed Seals UA and it doubles the tier penalty resulting in a -2 Tiers to Coordination for the purpose of using it. Requires Ninjutsu.

    Indomitable Magic: Some wills are just too strong to be snuffed out. Indomitable Magic makes it so that the Power Ranking of a user's Ninjutsu Techniques cannot be debuffed by the external machinations of an opponent. The only exception is for the purpose of the Elemental Matchup Rules. Requires Ninjutsu.

    Master Stylist: A true martial arts genius acknowledges the strengths and weaknesses of various styles, then uses them to overwhelm his opponents. Master Stylist permits the user to have TWO physical style techniques active at once for the purpose of boosting. However, these boosts cannot result in a combined total of more than two tiers worth of boosts. When this perk is being used, no chakra reductions may be in effect for the relevant styles. Requires Taijutsu/Kyujutsu/Bukijutsu/Kenjutsu.

    Fountain of Youth: Youth is just as much a state of mind as it is a matter of chrono-biology. The user gains a single + to either Strength, Constitution, Speed, or Coordination. This boost is specified via character update and cannot be changed once assigned except for character resets. This boost is considered a "Unique Ability" for the purposes of the boosting stacking/ordering rules. Requires Taijutsu/Kyujutsu/Bukijutsu/Kenjutsu

    Hardy Protection: When the spirit is unbreakable, the body follows. This perk grants the user a 1 tier boost for the sole purpose of countering a debuff to a single stat. This boost remains inactive and unusable otherwise. The user can assign this boost to either Strength, Constitution, Speed, or Coordination. This boost is specified via character update and cannot be changed once assigned except for character resets. Requires Taijutsu/Kyujutsu/Bukijutsu/Kenjutsu

    Pick Three

    Master Surgeon: Spurred by the war, scientists have made startling advances in the world of medicine. Master Surgeon grants the user the ability to perform partial implants. A partial implant will always be a guaranteed success because an entire organ is not needed for the process. Instead, the doctor takes a piece of the donor's organ and grafts it into the patient's organ. The donor must pay 500 EXP as part of this process as opposed to the full cost of the bloodline. While the donor does incur a flaw, this flaw is not permanent and will only last for three months IRL. A partial implant can only be performed once by the Master Surgeon and a donor can only benefit from a single partial implant. Partial implants grant the user access to a single A-Rank Technique (Custom or Canon) for a period of two IRL years (5 months for the trial version). After which time, a new graft will need to be applied. The A-Rank Technique selected as part of the implant process must be approved by staff so as to ensure balance.  The technique must be standalone and derivatives may not be learned nor registered. Requires Ijutsu.

    Iryō-Pharmacologist: Innovation has a trickle down effect as the knowledge of the greats filters to the ordinary doctor, thereby increasing his proficiency in once niche fields like pharmacology. This perk allows the user to create A-Grade Poisons and Medicines via the Ijutsu Skill as opposed to merely B-Rank. Requires Ijutsu.

    Sigma Six Black Belt: The process and procedure of creating puppets has been boiled down to a tangible science and those with the discipline to learn it are rewarded handsomely. This perk applies a 25% discount on the base price of all puppets.

    Nimble Fingers: A puppet's fingers are naturally fast and quick-moving. The user gains a single + to Coordination. This boost is specified via character update and cannot be changed once assigned except for character resets. This boost is considered a "Unique Ability" for the purposes of the boosting stacking/ordering rules. Requires Taijutsu/Kyujutsu/Bukijutsu/Kenjutsu.

    Bulk Apperception: Chakra is the omnipresent lifeforce of the ninja world and those who can sense it may get a glimpse of things to come. This perk gives the user a single precognitive save subject to the same rules as specified here (users with an intelligence under B-Tier will have an analysis period of 5 posts). This save can only be prepped and used while Sensory abilities are active.

    Hi-Fi: A sensor's brain can be exercised like any other muscle, the result is a signal booster for their extra-sensory abilities. This perk increases the range of Sensory Techniques by 25%.

    Runic Arts: An immigrant from the non-shinobi Far West has brought the study of runology to Kishin and with it, more efficient ways of applying enchantments. This perk reduces the price of Enchantments by 25%%

    Inkology: Talent goes a long way in the Sealing Arts, enough to make up for raw brainpower in some cases. This perk permits the user to utilize chakra ink at B-Tier Intelligence instead of A.


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    Post-War Perk System Empty Re: Post-War Perk System

    Post by Esen Sat May 15, 2021 4:51 pm

    While I do enjoy the concept, I'm iffy on the implementation of it and the perks that come along with it. There are a few, in particular, I am not a fan of from the beginning.

    Neo-Sanguinis: A Re-Awakening not just of the Spirit but of Blood. This perk grants a player the ability to acquire a single bloodline without going through the traditional implant process for a cost of 1,000 EXP. The player can specify whether this bloodline was latent or received as part of an implant, the storyline is completely up to them. This storyline must be written in a post with at least 1,000 words. [Universal Perk]

    This one is the one I have the biggest issue with, from my own perspective. I feel like this one can easily be abused and it hinders implants entirely. Having one implant for the cost of 1000 EXP is just something that doesn't sit right with me. If it was limited to a clanless character, I may have less issue with it (but even then, I don't fully agree with this perk), but having easy access to a dual KKG is just too much in my opinion.

    Fresh Start: A ninja must be willing to break boundaries in order to pursue a new life and new ambitions. This perk allows the user to disregard the rules regarding village-locked clans. They may start a new character in any open village and be a member of any open Clan/KKG. [Veteran Specific Perk]

    The main concern I have with this one is village exclusivity and possible issues down the road (unlikely, but still a possibility). I'll just use a hypothetical; what's to stop someone from making a Senju, in say Kumo, and claiming clan leadership. Would they not then have ownership of the clan techniques that could not be accessed by other Senju located in Konoha? I'm not sure if my understanding of the system is entirely accurate (terrible memory).

    The last thing I want to bring up, as it certainly seems lacking, is there needs to be more perks for Puppetry. It definitely needs some love, as it certainly is one of the least utilized skills.

    Post-War Perk System 1Qxad8E
    Nyguyen Uchiha
    Nyguyen Uchiha

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    Post-War Perk System Empty Re: Post-War Perk System

    Post by Nyguyen Uchiha Sat May 15, 2021 7:15 pm

    Thanks for the comments!

    Esen wrote:While I do enjoy the concept, I'm iffy on the implementation of it and the perks that come along with it. There are a few, in particular, I am not a fan of from the beginning.

    Neo-Sanguinis: A Re-Awakening not just of the Spirit but of Blood. This perk grants a player the ability to acquire a single bloodline without going through the traditional implant process for a cost of 1,000 EXP. The player can specify whether this bloodline was latent or received as part of an implant, the storyline is completely up to them. This storyline must be written in a post with at least 1,000 words. [Universal Perk]

    This one is the one I have the biggest issue with, from my own perspective. I feel like this one can easily be abused and it hinders implants entirely. Having one implant for the cost of 1000 EXP is just something that doesn't sit right with me. If it was limited to a clanless character, I may have less issue with it (but even then, I don't fully agree with this perk), but having easy access to a dual KKG is just too much in my opinion.

    I agree with your concerns and it was definitely the one I was the most uncertain about. But my logic is as follows:

    - For the purpose of the Post-War Perk System, this is for five months only. A very limited window of time. Enough to just give people a brief taste of the perk and see if its viable.

    - For the actual perk system, it will require that you sacrifice stats for skills. That's a tremendous sacrifice in my opinion as almost every build on Gladius is optimized to trade three skills for three stats. So most people end up with 23 stat raises whereas a person eligible for this perk would only be allowed 17-18 raises. That's a pretty massive handicap.

    - The idea is to encourage build diversity. There is no way anyone would ever sacrifice skills for stats as the game stands unless they were doing it for storyline reasons. Its difficult to be competitive from a combat standpoint to sacc that many stats. The point of introducing perks like Neo-Sanguinis is to encourage it. That way we can see some interesting builds and the game will have more replay value.

    Fresh Start: A ninja must be willing to break boundaries in order to pursue a new life and new ambitions. This perk allows the user to disregard the rules regarding village-locked clans. They may start a new character in any open village and be a member of any open Clan/KKG. [Veteran Specific Perk]

    The main concern I have with this one is village exclusivity and possible issues down the road (unlikely, but still a possibility). I'll just use a hypothetical; what's to stop someone from making a Senju, in say Kumo, and claiming clan leadership. Would they not then have ownership of the clan techniques that could not be accessed by other Senju located in Konoha? I'm not sure if my understanding of the system is entirely accurate (terrible memory).

    This is a fair concern where there are no other members of that clan. For example, imagine your same scenario but there are no Senju in Konoha active. I'd be fine with a stipulation saying the person cannot declare themselves clan leader or learn clan leader exclusives unless they go back to the clan's village of origin.

    For the more popular clans, this isn't an issue as those clans have clan leaders that are active. Anyone who has those KKG that wants to learn those techs will have to go through the Clan Leaders.

    The last thing I want to bring up, as it certainly seems lacking, is there needs to be more perks for Puppetry. It definitely needs some love, as it certainly is one of the least utilized skills.

    For this beta test, I specifically made it so that there were only two Side-Arms perks for each Skill. I didn't want to give any individual one more over the other.

    Long term if we do a full-scale perk system I'd definitely be down to make more for some skills than others.


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    Post-War Perk System Empty Re: Post-War Perk System

    Post by Xia Sat May 22, 2021 1:23 pm

    So because this is considered a test of the system, and will only last for 5 months at the end of which this version of the perk system will be removed, I'm not too concerned with anything in here. I can see a few potential issues, some things a bit strong, some a bit weak. But those concerns are only on paper and I'm unsure how they'll play out in practice. So this has my blessing as is, under the understanding that the system will be closely monitored and tweaked as necessary, including a potential overhaul before relaunch (presumably) 6 months from now.


    The one concern I have that affects this test of the system directly is the Veteran vs. Universal Perks. How are we going to determine whether a player qualifies for the Veteran Perks? Will we ask them to submit some sort of proof in the update where they claim the perk - like a link to their posts in any of the wars? Or did you have something else in mind?

    **Edit 2

    These concerns were addressed in the staff discord. This gets a thumbs up from me.

    Last edited by Xia on Sun May 23, 2021 3:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Post-War Perk System MMI1x04l

    The Rogue Assassin:

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    Post-War Perk System Empty Re: Post-War Perk System

    Post by Esen Sun May 23, 2021 1:18 pm

    Post-War Perk System 1f44d

    Post-War Perk System 1Qxad8E
    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Post-War Perk System Empty Re: Post-War Perk System

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Fri Jun 04, 2021 10:40 am


    Just a few quick clarifications on the Post-War Perk Systems:

    As stated in the rules, these perks are meant to be temporary. In the vast majority of cases they and their benefits will only last for five months at which time they will be removed. There may be an oppurtunity to keep them depending on what the more permanent perk system looks like, but there is no gurantees or information on what you will need to do to keep them at the moment.

    Therefore, we ask that you plan your characters accordingly. DO NOT take perks that your character cannot live without. We have provided a detailed list found below on how the perks will be handled.

    Keep in mind, if you are a "Veteran" under the perk rules you are eligible for ALL the perks listed in that Path (both Veteran-specific and both Universal for a total of four). The obvious exception to this is Inheritance which has its own limitations spelled out. If you are a not a Veteran than you can only claim the two Universal Perks under your Path.

    The formal start date of the program will be June 11, 2021 @ 11:59 PM EST and they will end on Novemeber 11, 2021 @ 11:59 PM EST. You will have one week from now till the start date to ask any questions or change your perk path in light of these clarifications. Please ask whatever questions you have because once that start date begins you will not be able to alter your selections if you've made them.

    Alts Helping Alts: This perk will be removed after the 5 month timer. If you haven't used it by that time then you lose it. If you have used it, any eligible knowledge, techniques, abilities, etc that you received will be kept.

    Solo Roleplay: This perk will be removed after the 5 month timer. If you haven't used it by that time then you lose it. If you did use it, any experience that you received will be kept.

    Clique: This perk will be removed at the  If you did use it, any renown bonus that you have received will be kept. Techniques learned from this perk will likewise be kept.

    Shinobi Syndicalism: This perk and the acquired Restricted Technique will be removed after the 5 month period. The experience will be refunded back to the player.

    Triumphant Return: If you haven't gotten a chance to use this perk before the 5 month timer then you lose it. If you have used this perk, then you will be permitted to retain the un-retired character after the trial ends.

    Executive Comeback: This perk will be removed after the five month timer. The skill/stat will be taken away so plan accordingly.

    Accelerating Returns: This perk will be removed after the five month timer. Obviously, any stat gains/expenditures made via this discount will be kept (ie. you don't have to re-purchase).

    Neo-Sanguinis: This perk will be removed after the five month timer. Use it or lose. Once the trial period ends, the bloodline will be removed from your character and the experience you spent (both on the Perk and for the Bloodline itself) will be refunded to you. Plan accordingly.

    Melt: If you haven't gotten a chance to use this perk before the 5 month timer then you lose it. If you have used this perk, then you will be permitted to retain the rolled over experience on the character after the trial ends.

    Fresh Start: If you haven't gotten a chance to use this perk before the 5 month timer then you lose it. If you have used this perk, then you will be permitted to retain whatever locked KKG/BL you started with after the trial ends. We've also added that you can start as a wanderer/missing ninja/minor nation with a village locked clan/BL

    Blindside: This perk will be removed after the five month timer ends.

    Triggerman: This perk will be removed after the five month timer ends.

    Memetic Warfare: This perk will be removed after the five month timer ends.

    Blackout: This perk will be removed after the five month timer ends.

    Dual Casting: This perk will be removed after the five month timer ends.

    Indomitable Magic: This perk will be removed after the five month timer ends.

    Master Stylist: This perk will be removed after the five month timer ends.

    Fountain of Youth: This perk will be removed after the five month timer ends.

    Hardy Protection: This perk will be removed after the five month timer ends.

    Master Surgeon: This perk will be removed after the five month timer ends. However, the partial implant will remain in whoever it was implanted into.  We have added in the possibility of self-surgery with this perk. You can now operate on yourself and give yourself implants both full and partial.

    Iryō-Pharmacologist: This perk will be removed after the five month timer ends. This perk has been changed. It now grants Ijutsu users the ability to create Provisions and Drugs B-Rank and below in addition to Poisons and Medicine.

    Sigma Six Black Belt: This perk will be removed after the five month timer ends. Any puppets bought through this discount will be retained.

    Nimble Fingers: This perk will be removed after the five month timer ends.

    Bulk Apperception: This perk will be removed after the five month timer ends.

    Hi-Fi: This perk will be removed after the five month timer ends.

    Runic Arts: This perk will be removed after the five month timer ends. Any enchantments bought through this discount will be retained.

    Inkology: This perk will be removed after the five month timer ends. Any fuuinjutsu created via this method will persist.


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