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    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Ryo: Check Updates

    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Empty Re: Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

    Post by Airi Ohara Tue Apr 02, 2024 9:35 pm

    Kiyoshi wrote:don't mind me, just an OoC Exit...
    I will mind you. Your exit will be ignored until you post an ic post exiting.
    Leaf Special Jounin
    Leaf Special Jounin

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    Ryo: More than You

    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Empty Re: Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

    Post by Kiyoshi Tue Apr 02, 2024 9:42 pm

    The Bijuu was handled by the Kirigakure shinobi, and with nothing else for him to do Kiyoshi would look to his companions and together they would make their leave of the village.

    {exit thread}

    Character Name: Kiyoshi
    Rank: Chuunin
    Class: X
    Experience: 3580/8720
    Renown: 15500
    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D -> A (Puppet Armor)
    • Stamina: S -> S++ (Jade Pendant)
    • Speed: E -> C (Puppet Armor)
    • Coordination: S -> S++ (Puppet Master Gloves)
    • Intelligence: S -> S+ (Lifestyle)
    • Perception: B
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
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    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Empty Re: Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Wed Apr 03, 2024 1:55 am

    Kitsuki stood dumbfounded as Burititsu interrupted Sero's attack on the Bijuu. The Princess never claimed to be a scholar but judging from the force and angle of attack, the blow ought to have annihilated the restrained Matatabi. Yet for some unknown reason, Buri decided to intervene. They all seemed to bend to his leadership though which left Kit puzzled. She wasn't aware that Burititsu had become Mizukage during her plague coma so she could only guess as to why they were being so deferential. But seeing as how he had taken control of the situation and she was a relative newcomer, she decided to decided to trust him. Kit kept her hands gripped on her bow in case her support was needed, but for now she did nothing.

    Kirigakure has this well under control. Kaida. Burititsu. Sero. Arisu....everyone has grown so strong in my absence.

    Kit had flattered herself as the supreme protector of the Isles. The truth was that Kiri now had many such protectors and not even a Bijuu could threaten the city without being put in check. The most surprising aspect of all of this was that even Arisu did not deign to challenge Burititsu or even demand that the Two-Tails be returned to her mega-corpse. Kit turned to her ally and spoke candidly.

    "Why is everyone listening to him? Isn't he the genin that was cited for unwarranted aggression and behavioral issues? Even Sero is treating him like he's the Mizukage."

    Regardlessof Arisu's response, Kit had no room to challenge the man. He had a plan and she didn't. It didn't help that apparently Arisu's sealing was not up to standard which left the Princesses with no means of permanently subduing the creature. Kitsuki's blood ran cold when Arisu pointed out that the Two-Tail's escape shouldn't have been possible. Several of Kiri's shinobi were Jinchurikki including Burittsu and their seals were being interfered with. A fact that alarmed Kit greatly. The chakra monsters had also been agitated by the fight and Arisu suspected that it was connected with the supernatural earthquakes of late.

    She wouldn't admit it escaped from her super-corpse if it wasn't true. It only hurts her case for accumulating more of them. Someone or something is behind the disturbance. And I think I might know what it is.

    ⵉ ⴰⴳⵔⴻⴻ. ⵜⵀⴰⵜ ⴻⴰⵔⵜⵀⵇⵓⴰⴽⴻ ⵡⴰⵙⵏ'ⵜ ⵊⵓⵙⵜ ⵎoⵠⵉⵏⴳ ⵜⵀⴻ ⵙoⵉⵍ....ⵉⵜ ⵡⴰⵙ ⵙoⵎⴻⵜⵀⵉⵏⴳ ⴻⵍⵙⴻ. ⵙoⵎⴻⵜⵀⵉⵏⴳ ⵙⵜⵔoⵏⴳⴻⵔ.

    "I know and I agree. I felt it too, it was what woke me up actually. I think I know what's causing all this. I never got a chance to tell you but Okane spoke to Ryuko and I about his captivity. The Ōtsutsuki imprisoned him and forced him to build weapons of war for an impending takeover of Earth. They might somehow be responsible for this disruption. If you have any information on the subject Arisu it would be more than useful."

    Kit watched as Arisu ferried the bodies of the fallen towards them. She looked over their forms and confirmed that they were alive. In fact, one of them stood up and managed to escape the area with several of his friends. Kit sighed a breath of relief. If they were lucky, they'd be able to get rid of the Bijuu without enduring mass casualties. Ryuko had a line of summons that were capable of sealing the Bijuu but with Burittsu's non-intervention order in play, Kit wasn't sure whether they'd be able to use it. And the question of who or what they could seal it into remained uncertain. When the Queen asked if she'd like to receive it, Kit shook her head vigorously.

    "While I appreciate the vote of confidence your Majesty.....absolutely not. I have no desire to merge with a being of pure evil and in any event, I'm taken" Kitsuki said with a smile. Zizz, the Chronokinetic Builder, floated from Kit's shoulder and buzzed angrily in Ryuko's face. She wagged her tiny little finger in front of her nose and spoke to her directly. The act was playful though. Zizz could sense nothing but justice, kindness and an abundance of virtue from Ryuko. The language she spoke would be plain as day to someone so pure.

    ⵉ'ⵎ ⴽⵉⵜ'ⵙ ⵀoⵙⵜ! ⴰⵏⴷ ⴰⵏⵢ ⴷⴻⴳⴻⵏⴻⵔⴰⵜⴻ ⵛⵀⴰⴽⵔⴰ ⵎoⵏⵙⵜⴻⵔ ⵜⵀⴰⵜ ⵜⵔⵉⴻⵙ ⵜo ⵜⴰⴽⴻ ⵀⴻⵔ ⴰⵡⴰⵢ ⴼⵔoⵎ ⵎⴻ ⵡⵉⵍⵍ ⴼⴰⵛⴻ ⵜⵀⴻ ⵡⵔⴰⵜⵀ oⴼ ⵜⵡo ⵜⵀoⵓⵙⴰⵏⴷ ⵛⴻⵏⵜⵓⵔⵉⴻⵙ oⴼ ⵔⵉⴳⵀⵜⴻoⵓⵙ ⴼⵓⵔⵢ!

    Once the point was made, the Angel would float back onto Kit's shoulder and crossing arms in defiance at the mere thought of being evicted by the Two-Tails.

    "Zizz is very protective of me as you can tell. I'm not a viable candidate and I've been out of the loop for years now so I'm not sure who we can trust to turn into a jinchurikki. If the off-world strategy that Arisu and I devised won't work then I honestly am at a loss on how to deal with these beings."

    It hurt to admit that she did not have an answer to their present predicament. The Bijuu were her responsibility to fight but she couldn't come up with a permanent solution to the danger they posed. It didn't help that she had to rely on Arisu for knowledge and guidance on the subject. Yet another reason why their tentative alliance while fraught with suspicion was a practical necessity.

    (Translation: I'm Kit's host! And any degenerate chakra monster that tries to take her away from me will face two thousand centuries of righteous fury!

    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Join date : 2020-09-15

    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Empty Re: Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

    Post by Gyokusho Wed Apr 03, 2024 3:57 am

    Despite admirable intellect and a... creative streak, it would press Gyo beyond his limits to have written something stranger or, in some ways, more comical. People were falling over and getting back up, passing out in the middle of a battle with a bijuu when adrenaline coursed through his own body; lasers and ice and stone flew to and fro. To boot, the ever present and famous Arisu, awakened from her apparent alien slumber, graced the field as well, a burning red eye mounted upon her face. It appeared that the attack had shaken the dust of plague from some only for it to settle on others.

    Despite the grand showing of Sero's, Blitz seemed to have different, perhaps more sane plans, for the bijuu. Gyo agreed, generally, but could hardly believe the world had come to a sanity contest between to wildcards. As he moved, he glanced to the Susano'o and accompanying Uchiha within. He had not really made his mind up about the Uchiha other than to acknowledge that they had a fairly notably inferior doujutsu, all things considered. This one seemed no exception, comically enough, as despite having spent a solid few seconds inhaling fumes, he suddenly noticed his folly as he attempted to wave away the now dissipating clouds. Cute, he supposed, but too little and too late. Quaint again it seemed. By now he should be just to the point of fully passing out, but even if not his personal reserves should be ravished. Osho's own wicked eye did not have the full penetrative power of the Byakugan, but the Susano'o seemed more taxing to him that he would have guessed. Oh well.

    Poor Matatabi. Gyo knew, intellectually, that these beasts were not even that, that they were simply chakra concentrate, less than a rabbit or wild boar; and yet, he did feel a certain pity for the thing. Not so much for the pain it may feel - it could not - but more for the absurdity of the situation. Frozen as poisoned as it were, restrained by a ball of tentacles, it still had to listen as people bickered over it. Faint from his position, essentially opposite the collection of royalty, Gyo could not fully make out the... rather elaborate conversations that transpired, but he got enough to hear the sappiness of the Uchiha, more from a bit of lip reading than anything. As he continued to glance about, he noted the gaggle of queens and princesses intensely discussing something, though again he could not actually hear. He thought he saw Ryuko say something about a turtle though?

    Roughly as Kaida, a very old friend, burst into a thousand individual strands to restrain the already frozen and impaled beast, Arisu used the outrageously dangerous orbs she - apparently - could access to move the now unconscious bodies of Kiyoshi and his butler from the immediate area of danger near the bijuu to the top of the wall, floating quickly in front of the beast. Seemingly by sheer luck they avoided being ground together between the skeleton, wires, and burning body of the cat, though unscathed? Doubtful.

    As he continued along the wall, now rapidly nearing the gate proper where the bijuu stood motionless, to try and put an end to this farce, but paused for a brief few moments like a slack-jawed idiot as he watched his coworker silently rise from his position on the top of the wall, all three in unison as if some kind of group conscious, and walk directly off of it. He blinked as they blithely fell, down the full odd 100 meters, directly off the gate and into the path of the bijuu itself. Standing stick straight, the fall would likely shatter the legs and spine of Zamasu and Yuko from that height. Gyo had never fallen quite like that before, but suspected from having seen the puppets that the armor Kiyoshi wear would fortify him from attack. Now if it would stop him from being scrambled? Unclear. Maybe Arisu would save them again.

    For now, he'd continue on his rushing path, astride Sleipnir, moving as a blur. With Kaida and Blitz restraining both the beast and, in the latter's case, Sero, Gyo could simply side-scale the wall, though he chose instead to rush down a staircase like a normal person, despite being on this beast, both him and his clone ducking slightly to avoid the ceiling. Part way down, he'd unseal one of his Momo puppets in a flash, allowing his false half to connect to it and leap into its waiting arms, whereupon the large humanoid would carry him the remainder of the way to the creature. Gyo himself would simply reverse in the wide stairwell to ascend back to the gate, rushing once again back along the ramparts about another fifty meters and clawing up a spire, poised at the ready in case.

    Meanwhile, his copy would approach the creature in the arms of his demonic puppet, dressed something like a nun in all white. Crude, perhaps, as this village had no special access to bijuu sealing abilities, but effective. He would formulate an on-the-fly seal of sort, inscribing a spare scroll with chakra ink at an inhuman pace, tossing one end of the scroll to the target creature as he scrawled and scrawled away. The formula would not contain it permanently, and would not serve to bind it to a person, but would at least clear the rubble for now. As he wrote, the end of the scroll would form a kind of cartoonish mouth and a pair of highly stylized, anime eyes and, with the ritual begun, it would happily begin to slurp up the bijuu, deconstructing it in a collection of bright-blue tubes like a bowl of noodles eaten in a single gulp. When - or if - completed, a roaring burp would issue from it. However, the free-handing of the technique would take time. Hopefully the people behind him would settle.

    In his little nun slippers, he would then turn towards the gate, being now on the outside of it, and look through the ravaged portal to the feud before him. He felt mostly concerned for this truly odd foreigner who, if Gyo knew his own compounds, would pass out at any moment. Yoohoo! You, um, probably are going to need an antidote! Please turn that, he gestured with a foppish flick of the wrist to the Susano'o off, thank you. Oh, and Kaida, nice to see you! He did not yell, but did slightly raise the volume of his lovely tenor. Maybe the others would hear him, maybe not. He would then wrap back around to the staircase he had descended to make his way back up, leaping back into the arms of his puppet.



    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

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    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Empty Re: Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

    Post by Matatabi Thu Apr 04, 2024 2:45 am

    D8fYEls.pngMatatabi's body erupted in unnatural blue flame as it thawed from the ice, letting out a loud roar. Another black orb could be seen coming from the creature's opened mouth, black energy gathering at the point of the black orb. "No! Not like this! I will not succumb to you filthy humans and filthy alien scum! Dirty rats! Filthy mortals! Filthy simulacra of our Creator!" the creature shouted out before a string of light could be seen forming around Matatabi from a lightspeed technique from the Mizukage.

    However, the sound of loud, high pitched pops could be heard as the one that planned on originally killing the creature apparently changed his mind. The massive bone creation rammed through the steel wires of Nuibari with the high pitched snap echoing throughout the land. Sero's monstrosity grabbed some of the wire and sealed it's mouth shut, causing the black ball of energy amassing to dissipate.

    KK9GZBO.gifAs if on queue, the ground gives way underneath both Sero's creation and Matatabi before shooting them down hundreds of meters down into an inescapable chasm. It was at this time the Sero continued to wrest for control as Matatabi struggled to get freed from his captor. "I... will... not... yield!  Not again! Never again will I be subject to this torture from you insignificant creatures! The Creator said you were good and worth protecting! The Creator was a liar!" it said as he attempted to claw at Sero's creation on the way down before the hole settled with the two reaching the bottom.

    "Insignificant creature! You know not what you're doing! You're falling directly into their hands! They're coming!  Let me free! They're coming!" Matatabi shouted out as she continued to wrestle control away from Sero until it gave up and just laid there with Sero placing it into a choke-hold.

    An opportunist would take this chance to go down into the hole and begin to seal it. It's poisons racking Matabi's body. The attempted sealing caused Matatabi's claws to extend and tried to shuffle back to it's feet before it fell back down, flat on it's stomach at the bottom of the chasm. "Fools! The lot of you! You'll see the folly of your mistakes!


    + Matatabi is in a weakened state due to her captivity within the Gedo Mazo statue.

    Matatabi's Character Sheet: HERE
    :: Being Sealed -- Will be sealed in 4 posts of Gyo's

    Strength: A
    Constitution: A (B)
    Stamina: S
    Speed: S+
    Coordination: S+
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A
    Current CP: 175 (due to being weakened by the Gedo Mazo)

    Unique Ability:
    :: Azure Katon: The Fire Release, not only, appears blue in color but is naturally hotter than normal Fire Release. Because of that, the power of all Katon techniques are increased by +1.
    :; Claw Creation: The claws are of similar strength to Chakra Reinforced Steel, making them nearly unbreakable and deadly sharp.

    Matatabi (Two-Tails/Niibi) - {350 CP}

    Strength: A (Quaternary)
    Constitution: A (Quinary)
    Stamina: S
    Speed: S+ (Primary)
    Coordination: S+ (Secondary)
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A (Tertiary)
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 896
    Join date : 2021-03-21
    Location : Hidden Mist

    Character File
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    Class: S
    Ryo: 62,000

    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Empty Re: Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

    Post by Burittsu Thu Apr 04, 2024 10:08 pm

    Burittsu seemed to be growing tired of the games yet without looking around this was the village that Blitz desired to lead. They all did what they wanted in the end and somehow he called this a place for him to love all because of someone’s kindness. Around him as he remains motionless a series of heads stood around gazing and watching. Only forcing him to crack a smile at those who now wanted to return home, one in particular that caught his eye before. Arisu. Definitely one to challenge to a friendly battle once he grew stronger a little chuckle almost escaped his breath. As he released Nuibari hearing the explosion go off before running his hand upon his ring sealing the weapon once more inside.

    Yet the show continued as he allowed Sero to have his way as a Kunoichi of impressive talents seemed to be doing what she does best. From the walls to now a trap that sank both Matatabi and the skeleton, Burittsu could only laugh at the complete situation. Forming one unique hand seal Burittsu escaped the hole by slipping away into one of his mirrors moving backwards towards where he last saw Zenaku. Burittsu didn’t see the Susanoo yet any sign of the Uchiha before looking upwards seeing the body of the boy and one other rapidly falling awaiting inside the mirror Burittsu watched as it all appeared in slow motion for the boy he started to use each mirror to climb up to sixty meters forming one after another he leapt through each mirror until reaching a perfect position.

    Slipping out the ice mirror quickly catching both the bodies of the Uchiha and this mysterious individual. Feeling the free air Burittsu needed the Uchiha to live as well, everyone was on the playing field and yet this one chose a wrong time to fall under whatever took over. Looking downward at the one hundred fifty meter hole Burittsu sighed as it seemed being the Kage of such people meant nothing to Blitz but a good time with his companions. They all had their own agenda yet swore themselves to be members of this village yet as Burittsu descended down as the shimmers of light flickers off of his head protector the insignia of the mist tattered in scars of battles from his battles and the previous.

    One hundred and fifty meters was indeed impressive yet the repairs to the village were needed. If anyone truly died the anger he felt within him from the Bijuu itself would be enough to possibly awaken another problem. Playing as the boy was growing exhausting yet he had no choice but to continue as he was yet too weak to make anything possible. It was now he who needed to grow stronger before the return of its maker gazing down upon the shinobi who called himself Uchiha. Waiting to reach at least thirty meters from the ground, Burittsu formed one unique hand seal once more as one ice mirror appeared six meters underneath him, slipping both him and the two bodies of unconscious individuals. As for the exit another ice mirror appeared upon a distant rooftop away from the combat for the time being. Placing both of them on the ground side by side Burittsu sighed and picked his weapon once as he tapped upon the surface of the golden ring. Pulling out Nuibari once more he wasn’t satisfied till the beast was sealed yet he decided to let them do their job watching out for Kaida he wondered what else she planned for it.

    Picking up Zenaku Uchiha Burittsu headed off towards the hospital which was currently offline and running on a generator for back up incase of emergencies such as these. With everyone there he doubted they needed him anymore for now taking Zenaku to a place of rest was better for the Uchiha until he awoken.

    -Exit Thread


    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Aomine14

    Life Mocks Us In The End..
    [Kenjutsu] - [Ninjutsu] - [Hyoton] - [Sensory] - [Summoning]
    [D-Rank: 0] - [C-Rank: 1] - [B-Rank: 4] - [A-Rank: 0] - [S-Rank: 0]
    Strength: B
    Constitution: B ~ A
    Stamina: A+
    Speed: B ~ A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A
    :: Saiken
    :: Seven Swords
    :: Leggings is S Rank granting +1 Tier to speed
    :: Chestplate is S Rank granting +1 Tier to Con
    Jin Misukage
    Jin Misukage

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    Age : 31

    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Empty Re: Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

    Post by Jin Misukage Sat Apr 06, 2024 10:09 pm

    As zenaku stood there up into the air he and his massive Susanoo stood ready in case the bijuu escaped. After the mizukage had stopped the large skeleton the guy controlling the large beast had the skeleton wrap its arms around the bijuu as he held it in place. It was around this time that zenaku noticed that something was not right as his vision began to grow blurry. 

    Just then another one of the ninjas would produce some hand signs as the earth under the bijuu and the skeleton sunk deep into the ground. They then began to seal the large cat monster. It was just then that some one tapped on his Susanoo so looking over he noticed that there was a ninja standing on his chakra avatar. He was telling him that he needed to shut down his Susanoo and get a antidote for the poison. It was then that zenaku began to feel the effects of the poison tho it was odd cause he could have sworn that he blew the poison gas he saw earlier away. 

    Much that happened after this zenaku was not sure as his vision went black and he fell unconscious. But as he was falling burritsu had caught him and took off towards the hospital with the uchiha.  

    -Exit thread-

    Strength: (D)
    Constitution: (C)
    Speed: (A)
    Coordination: (B)
    Perception: (B)

    Name: Zenaku Uchiha
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Jonin 
    Village: Konohagakure( The land of fire)
    Bloodline: Sharingan stage: Eternal mangekiyo sharringan. 

    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin

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    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Empty Re: Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

    Post by Arisu Mon Apr 08, 2024 8:14 pm

    Arisu watched as Zenaku passed out and Burittsu picked him up to take him to the hospital. She'd have to remember to check in on that, make sure that nothing was missing from him or if he turned up dead. Or perhaps Burittsu came back with new Sharingan abilities. Besides, she needed to collect the Kiba Blades from him, so there was an incentive to check up with the 'Mizukage' soon.

    "He appears to have claimed the title of Mizukage." Arisu said, a hint of amusement in her voice. There were several people she would have thought would have protested or gone against it. She herself didn't care all that much, it was a simple title that she had little respect for. She was handily above that particular one.

    She frowned, folding her arms in front of her at the news of Okane's kidnapping. "If what you say is true and there's an invasion being prepared..." She let a moment of silence stretch out as she thought of the implications of that. "Perhaps this dimensional disruption is what I do, but on a larger scale."

    Arisu turned to address Kitsuki. "While it is correct that you are not suited for these Bijuu, they are not pure evil. They are simply manifestations of the 10 tails chakra, split apart and hurting. They've been used and abused by mortals for centuries as tools of destruction and war. I'm not keen on anyone housing them that wouldn't nurture them. It's clear that you would not. And until whatever caused it to break out of the husk is addressed, the statue isn't a suitable location for them to be contained. I don't trust depositing them off world, not while there's a dimensional distortion happening disrupting seals."

    Listening to what the Bijuu said, that they were falling into their hands and to let it free, trying to piece together what that could have meant, Arisu contemplated. If the seals were disrupted, then all of the Jinchuuriki were ticking time bombs if they used their abilities. Perhaps that's what it meant. In that case, nobody should be making use of Bijuu powers, and perhaps nobody should be becoming a Jinchuuriki.

    "We should protect it. Nobody should have it. Especially not while vessels aren't able to utilize Bijuu chakra." Her response was quiet, but Kitsuki and Ryuko could easily hear her.

    "If Otsutsuki are invading the world en masse, there's not much to do but fight them off. If they needed Okane to build weapons for the invasion, they're likely weaker than me, or there aren't very many of them. The sheer scale of the earth quakes leads me to believe they have numbers. We should be able to mount a counter offensive and protect the planet. I might be able to force them back alone, but I can't be everywhere at once."

    With Zenaku and Burittsu leaving, and Kiyoshi and his allies leaving, it was beginning to clear out. The threat was only partially subdued. What the hell were people doing? Oh well, she'd keep vigil over the area and make sure nothing went wrong. Her eyes tracked them for a few moments before she returned to her overview of the massive hole Kaida had sank the 2 tails into.

    Chakra Visualization -0.5 chakra
    Six Paths Sage Mode active (-5 nature active, +5 nature passive gain)
    Stamina: 349.5/385
    Nature Chakra: 190/190

    Jutsu Used: (Same as last for SPSM and Chakra Visualization)

    Strength: C -> A [SM]
    Constitution: B -> S [SM]
    Stamina: S++ (++) (Otsu boost: 1 tier | Living Expense: +)
    Speed: A -> S++ [SM]
    Coordination: A -> S++ [SM]
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B -> S [SM] -> S++ [CV]

    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : N/A
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    Join date : 2020-07-18

    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Empty Re: Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

    Post by Sero Wed Apr 10, 2024 3:00 am

    Sero would continue to wrestle the beast even as they fell. The ground opening beneath them as he managed to wrestle himself on top. The wires would cancel out the next bijuu bomb but unfortunately a moment later Burritsu would take them back. Sero wasn't sure what was going through the man's head. Did he want to fight the bijuu alone? Then why bring the anbu? Just to show the difference in power? That would suggest the man had sent men to their slaughter to make him look better. However he couldn't focus on that now. Instead the giant skeleton would slam down on the fire cat as they hit the bottom of the pit. The top of it bursting with debris from the impact. People seemed to be leaving the battle so Sero would use all his might to pin the cat down as it savagely fought against him. Making sure to pin its mouth closed to keep it from using those pesky techniques. It's cries for what was coming did not fall upon deaf ears but Sero would focus on holding it. Someone was sealing it...Kaida? Was she responsible for the hole? If it managed to break free Sero was going to find it impossible to save them both if one bomb got off. 

    "Not all the humans I have met are good it is true. Though I myself am not able to stand among them however there are good people. People worth protecting with everything. I will fight whatever is coming. Whatever it is you fear demon. I will teach it that I am here. I am waiting and they will know fear."

    His sensory would remain as he would hold down the wounded beast. Even with its regeneration it was weakened. His own beast seemed to be terrified that it had almost lost its sister while watching through the eyes of the murderer. It wept while its sibling was held down but also out of relief. The five tails did not wish to witness the death of Matabi however temporarily. It's rage overcome by how close it had been. There was no mercy enough for freedom but they would utilize Matabi's strength. It was better off in the statue perhaps. But Sero would have his own training to do. Who gained this asset once he was done holding it down didn't matter to him. He needed more strength outside the bijuu....the shadows called to him once more. Crying out for him to claim his birthright. 

    "You shouldn't have returned Matabi. There is no freedom here for the strong."  Sero would state as his sensory noted Kitsuki and where she was on the battlefield. A chill passing over her as he spoke of her. His strength had eyes upon him all this time. She had an arrow always pointed his way it seemed. Waiting for him to be just another Matabi at her gates no matter how much he served.


    Character Name: Jaakuna, Sero
    Spendable Experience: 510
    Total Experience: 6010
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 25,000

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: B (B+ lifestyle)
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: A
    • Speed: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3950-jaakuna-sero
    Link to Known Techniques:https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261
    Reiko Rakujo
    Reiko Rakujo
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    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Empty Re: Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

    Post by Reiko Rakujo Mon Apr 15, 2024 4:13 am

    Reiko continues to watch the scene of everything happening, but what was going on, she couldn't really tell. All she could tell was that something was happening to the monster that had let off an attack on the village and some people were leaving. As the overwhelming feeling faded from her ever so slightly, she moved off the rooftop she was on. Her body was telling her to get away even as things seemed to be handled, but things could go haywire at the drop of a coin. She'd make her way deeper into the village, helping with fires and rubble on occasion, though it wasn't her immediate priority.

    [Exit Thread]

    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 FGRJFgW

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    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Empty Re: Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

    Post by Ryuko Mon Apr 15, 2024 5:37 am

    Ryuko felt a headache coming on as she learned that somehow Arisu hadn’t gotten the message about the upcoming alien invasion until now.  If Kiri hadn’t gotten the message that begged the question if something similar had happened with Konoha.  That would go a long way to explain why nobody had contacted her at the emporium despite her specifically requesting Kiyoshi to pass a message along for her.   He’d probably been too busy constructing the Emporium tower in Kiri and forgotten her request.

    Well whatever,  She had bigger things to worry about then the game of telephone going ary.   For whatever reason a bunch of people were leaving the scene.  Kiyoshi fleeing the battle was one thing.  He was more of a crafter anyhow so it was better for both their sakes if he stayed off the front lines to begin with.   The Mizukage leaving was another story entirely.  This was his village after all, what the heck was he thinking fleeing when the bijuu was still not completely dealt with.

    Securing the safety of an unconscious ally was all well and good but it would matter little if the Bijuu managed to get to her feet again.  One stay blast and places like the hospital would be nothing but a memory.  It seemed it was up to those remaining to ensure something like that didn’t come to pass.

    Her strategy of sealing the cat bijuu inside Kitsuki was a bust since both Kitsuki and Arisu were against it. Until Zizz had spoken to her Ryuko had no idea that Kitsuki had such an entity inside of her already.  If she’d known she never would have made such a suggestion in the first place since she was well aware of the dire consequences that would arise should someone be foolish enough to attempt to host two entities at the same time. 

    They way they spoke of depositing the bijuu off world so casually as if that was an option was intriguing.  Something to ask them about later since one of Ryuko’s biggest goals in life was to reach the moon and then the stars beyond.  She’d never been particularly picky about the method used to get there either.  Jutsu, Science or some combination of the two, whatever was fine as long as it worked and could be used reliably and repeatedly. 

    “What about offering the bijuu a nature reserve? Surely we could find a remote island somewhere just for them.”    Segregation was a sad but simple strategy. If they isolated the creatures from Humans then nobody could use them as a weapon, and they also wouldn’t keep hurting human lives and infrastructure by their very presence. 

    However it seemed they had taken too long debating how to deal with the bijuu or who to seal it in and Gyo had taken matters into his own hands with a far more elegant solution. It was so simple that Ryuko wanted to hit herself on the forehead for not thinking of it sooner.  Just seal the bijuu in a temporary object first and deal with it later.  Once it was in the scroll it would be simple to either transfer to a person or transport it wherever they liked.

    It had been so long since she had last seen him and he wasn’t one of her men anymore, but she felt so proud of the kind of man he had become.  If only more if her countryman had been like him then perhaps Kumo wouldn’t have fallen in her absence.  

    “Right then. Let’s support Gyo.” She declared. She knew that he would be near helpless during the sealing process. if Matatabi managed to get up again one swipe would be all it took to finish the job and set them all back to square one.  Last time she’d had trouble using jutsu out of fears of collateral damage to her allies, but  at some point or other Matabi had been poisoned which gave her an idea.  

    Moving to stand at the edge of the gates she tucked her spear into the crook of her arm and formed the turtle hand sign before ejecting a copious amount of high pressure liquid spray though the grates on her helmet down into the hole drenching everyone inside.  It was completely harmless if you didn’t have any poison already in your system which meant it wouldn’t affect Sero, Gyo or anyone else in the hole.  But for Maatabi who’d already been poisoned, she’d find herself weakened even further making it easier for Sero to keep her pinned in place. 



    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
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    Posts : 1069
    Join date : 2017-09-14

    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Empty Re: Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:16 am

    He's become the Mizukage? Kitsuki thought with surprise. She didn't know the man personally but if she recalled correctly, he was fairly unstable. Either he had gotten treatment for whatever tended to provoke him or the village was in dire straits. The response to the Bijuu while not perfect, was more than adequate though and he had responded with great haste. While she didn't like that he had left the battlefield, she could understand him wanting to keep one of his comrades safe. Kit made a mental note to catch-up with him later. It was important that they discuss his tenure and that she be able to assess his fitness for the position. For the time being, she would respect the chain of command.

    Arisu's speculation regarding the Ōtsutsuki sent a chill up Kit's spine, or was that the malevolent presence of Sero's Kaijuu? She postulated that the disruption could be a form of Time-Space attack which appeared to be an Ōtsutsuki specialty. It occurred to Kitsuki that Arisu's preoccupation with accumulating more power at the expense of other Ōtsutsuki could be connected to her knowledge that some of them were conquerors. Maybe she knew that they were so unbelievably powerful, the only way for her to fend them off in significant numbers was to complete the Rinnegan.

    Escalate to de-escalate. Kit thought, recalling her mentor's lessons on strategy and warfare.

    Arisu continued to assert her prior claim regarding the true nature of the beasts. That they were split apart and mentally disturbed creatures but that they weren't intrinsically bad. The history of the Ten-Tails and its purpose in the destruction of the world begged to differ. Arisu's sympathy for the creatures was irksome and even more concerning her refusal to allow them to be permanently destroyed. She saw them as natural living beings with rights instead of the natural disasters that they were. Kit did not wish to begin a lengthy philosophical debate on the subject, so she countered with her own practical assessment.

    "I agree that sealing it into a person is not an ideal long-term solution. Nor is depositing it off-world considering the time-space disturbance. A reserve would be a good idea if the Bijuu could be reasoned with. As we all can plainly tell from Mata's ravings, they cannot be. They are intelligent but dangerous, they could find a way off the island and wreak havoc. Sealing it within a person or object on a temporary-basis appears to be the least bad option so I imagine that's what should and will be pursued" Kitsuki said watching as the battle developed. The Kaijuu was being dropped into the hole and several shinobi seemed ready to commence the sealing.

    "In order for us to be ready, the foundations of the Alliance need to be solid. Kiri-Konoha are the two sole remaining superpowers with a significant portion of Kishin under their leadership. The Stag Emporium will ally with us and are already preparing for war. I'm not up to date on the present status of Kumogakure and Iwagakure but perhaps Queen Ryuko could see to it that they are readied as well"

    Kitsuki remained kneeling with her hands on the string of her bow. When Ryuko offered to go down and assist with the attack on the weakened Bijuu, Kit shook her head and grinned.

    "I'm more useful right here at a distance. If it escapes from the trap, my arrows should be able to force it back." Kit would be their back-up support fire allowing them to seal the beast as quickly as possible.


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    Age : 21

    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Empty Re: Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

    Post by Matatabi Thu Apr 18, 2024 10:32 pm

    D8fYEls.png"Shut up! I'm not going to listen to the driveling of a puny mortal like you. I will not be victim to your honeyed words!" the creature spoke while it's mouth was bound. It struggled trying to get back up on it's four feet only to stumble and crumble under the weight of the massive bone golem that held her down. It continued to struggle, kicking up dust at the bottom of this hole with it still finding it difficult to find grip. "How dare you! Insolent mortal who houses my brother within you. Do you feel no shame, brother Kokuo? If that is how you speak to Kokuo's sister, how does Kokuo feel about some insolent wretch like yourself! Despicable creature!" she said before intense heat could be felt coming off of Matatabi.

    It was at that moment that Matatabi screamed in pain as someone from above the hole started to spray poison upon her. It kicked up more dirt as it's paws found no purchase upon the slippery muddy floor of the hole. She created massive claws upon her paws and started to swipe towards the source of the poison only to get one good swipe in before the bone golem's weight started to press down upon it. The loud sound of Matatabi's screams could be heard through the hole and echoing throughout the Water Country. The already stabilized and held down creature was now being tormented. "It burns! It burns!!!" Matatabi shouted out, shrieking in a rather shrill voice. In the meantime, Gyokusho is kinda just there sealing it into himself. What were his thoughts? What were his wants with the creature? Who knows! Maybe we'll find out if he doesn't get skipped next round.

    + Matatabi is in a weakened state due to her captivity within the Gedo Mazo statue.
    + Sealed into Gyokusho in 2 more posts

    Matatabi's Character Sheet: HERE
    :: Being Sealed -- Will be sealed in 2 posts of Gyo's

    Strength: A
    Constitution: A (B)
    Stamina: S
    Speed: S+
    Coordination: S+
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A
    Current CP: 175 (due to being weakened by the Gedo Mazo)

    Unique Ability:
    :: Azure Katon: The Fire Release, not only, appears blue in color but is naturally hotter than normal Fire Release. Because of that, the power of all Katon techniques are increased by +1.
    :; Claw Creation: The claws are of similar strength to Chakra Reinforced Steel, making them nearly unbreakable and deadly sharp.
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Empty Re: Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

    Post by Sero Mon Apr 22, 2024 6:26 am

    Sero would continue to pin down the beast no matter how it writhed under his giant skeleton. The shadows from within the construct stretching over his eyes as they glowed purple from behind the darkness. No pity or mercy there. Instead his arms were crossed as the construct moved around him to his will. This monster had challenged the village twice and lost twice. It spoke of no longer listening so Sero held no words for it. He could sense someone sealing it and though his own chakra reserve was draining he had enough to spare. Even as the Bijuu slammed enraged against its bird like cage above the pools of blood within his soul he did not budge. Neither beast would move his liquid heart. The village was his priority. A country under his protection. With the others having withdrawn from the battle he had to maintain this. If it's mouth were to open he would not be able to protect others from the blast. Still he would glance up as someone spewed in more poison. The woman with the shield from the first attack. He would speak to her as the skeleton glanced up at her as well. Purple flames burning within its eyes.

    "Enough foreigner. Kirigakure has this well in hand. If it is to be a tool to someone inside a prison of this seals making then it suffers enough. All it will know of humans is fear. As all demons of this land are feared."


    Character Name: Jaakuna, Sero
    Spendable Experience: 510
    Total Experience: 6010
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 25,000

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: B (B+ lifestyle)
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: A
    • Speed: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3950-jaakuna-sero
    Link to Known Techniques:https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 2155
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    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Empty Re: Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

    Post by Ryuko Tue Apr 23, 2024 7:44 am

    Ryuko almost had to laugh at the idea that the Bijuu couldn’t be reasoned with.  It was a self inflicted catch twenty two.  Obviously it wasn’t going to be in much of a mood for sitting down and having a discussion over tea when they were wailing on it.   She had a supposition that the beasts typically only rampaged because of humans trying to seal them and turn them into weapons.  But then humans tried to seal them because they were rampaging.     It was a classic example of the chicken or the egg paradox. 

    What did bring a chuckle to her lips was the suggestion that she prepare Kumogakure for the invasion.  The last time she had checked the village had been under Kiri’s banner as a protectorate.   One of Ryuko’s long term goals was to earn back its independence peacefully.   She thought it would take several more years, maybe over a decade even.  To think one of the princess would just casually suggest handing it back was so serendipitous that she couldn’t help but laugh.  

    Though she probably wouldn’t be laughing for much longer once someone like Arisu brought her up to speed on the situation. If she had known that Shimiko was supposedly back and running the village independently of Kiri already then Ryuko would have been over there already in a flash since as Sero had so rudely said they seemed to have things well in hand.

    “Sure, I suppose if you’ll allow us to formally join the alliance.” and by us she meant Kumo as a collective.  Before the war there had been little chance of that happening.  Relationships between the three had been frosty at best though she had been working on improving trade. A lot had changed since peace had come.  If she was going to bring back Kumo she would need to find a new Raikage however, hopefully one that could do a better job. 

    In retrospect her mistake last time had been nepotism.  She had chosen the twins because they were like family to her.  She figured as long as they had Seid to support them they would be fine.  How wrong she had been.  Thought perhaps that was unfair.  If it hadn’t been for Raijin who was seeming to be becoming a problem for everyone they probably would have been fine.  If only he would cause trouble for the aliens about to invade instead it would make things a heck of a lot easier.

    She blinked in confusion genuinely wondering why the move she had made was causing the cat to scream out in pain.  The technique she had used was only supposed to weaken an opponent that already had poison in their system,  She hadn’t developed it to cause pain… at least not intentionally so.  She wasn’t so sadistic to resort to that kind of torture unless she had no other choice. 

    “Fine then I’ll sit back for now.” She shot back sullenly, feeling more than a little like she had been summoned here to be nothing more than a member of the peanut gallery since her attempt to lend her assistance had been rebuffed.  “Just don’t blame me if she manages to rack one of you with her claws.”   

    Kitsuki’s offer would presumably be more to Sero’s liking since the Princess was not a foreign like Ryuko.  That said Kitsuki was also one of if not THE strongest bow users in the world, at least as far as Ryuko was aware.  A shot from her would likely do a lot more than just force the bijuu back.  The thought of that made her thank Hakkin they were on the same side.    Ryuko wouldn’t want one of those arrows aimed at herself. 



    Strength: B > A (Sage Mode)
    Constitution: B > A (Sage Mode)
    Stamina: A > A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara) 
    Speed: B > A > (Sage mode) 
    Coordination: A > S (Sage mode)
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B > A (Sage mode) 

    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
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    Join date : 2017-09-14

    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Empty Re: Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Tue Apr 23, 2024 12:54 pm

    Kitsuki wasn't surprised that Ryuko would express interest in having Kumogakure formally join the Alliance. She just didn't think the request would come so soon or under the present circumstances. Kit nodded. "That can most certainly be arranged" Despite their past animosity, Kit would have no problem extending an offer to Kumo. A mutual defense treaty might be just the thing needed to smooth over the decades of strife between the two powers. By bringing Kumo back online and into the fold, humanity might actually stand a chance against the Ōtsutsuki menace. Kit kneeled at her post and remained silent as Ryuko left them to join the fray. She sprayed something on the Bijuu which caused it to howl and scream in anguish. The former Raikage was indeed a powerful woman. Kit wondered what other special skills lay hiding under the surface of such a petite figure. She kept her hands gripped on her bow as she watched the battle continue to unfold.

    ⵡⴰⵙ ⵜⵀⴻ pⵔⴻⵠⵉoⵓⵙ ⴱⵉⵊⵓⵓ ⴼⵉⴳⵀⵜ ⵉⵏ ⵜⵀⵉⵙ ⵠⵉⵍⵍⴰⴳⴻ ⵊⵓⵙⵜ ⴰⵙ ⴱoⵔⵉⵏⴳ?
    I don't know....but I like boring. Less casualties.

    With Ryuko gone and with the pitch of battle dying down to a more manageable level, Kit decided to prod Arisu about a sensitive subject. She kept her eyes fixed on the battle but her voice was cold and even. It was lazer focused on the woman standing beside her.

    "So you've taken another Path?"

    Kitsuki had noticed the third ring around her lavender pupils the moment she had been summoned. It was impossible to miss, along with all of Arisu's other physical changes. She's growing more powerful... Kit thought worriedly. She had voqwed to stop the woman from accumulating more paths but her recent bout with the plague had left her bedridden and unable to maintain her vow. Kit's heart beat faster as her mind ran through all the horrible scenarios that could be realized if Arisu were to go rogue. And yet? She kept her cool. She reminded herself that the woman was on their side for now and that while her behavior was certainly strange, she had never acted contrary to Kiri or humanity's interest. In fact, quite the opposite.

    I shouldn't pick a fight over this now. We have bigger battles to worry about.

    The rationale part of Kit told herself that attempting to remove Arisu's power before an interdimensional invasion was stupid and counterproductive. The more emotional part of Kit, the part that was connected to Zizz's memories, told her that she should be willing to go to any lengths to prevent a fully realized Rinnegan from forming. Kit plucked the strings of her harp bow creating a soft melody as she wrestled with her internal conflict.

    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Empty Re: Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

    Post by Gyokusho Thu Apr 25, 2024 12:54 am

    Sealing, generally speaking, was a challenging enough skill, all things equal, and tended to require a high level of concentration. Sealing an entity even more so. And an entity which did not want imprisonment for the foreseeable future? Certainly not an act for the faint of heart. On top of all of that, free-handing the seal entirely based off of good vibes and sheer panache added a layer of complexity to the whole ordeal that, perhaps, no human in the world had ever even tried, let alone accomplished. Not that Osho was actually a human, but still. The cherry, however, was his stellar fashion, which made his personal life so much better by making his aesthetic entirely unassailable, but which did not always lend itself to a timeliness on the battlefield. All of this is to say, his focus had grown so intense for a mere few seconds that he'd failed to fully take in the environment, every thought pouring into riding the lightning of the seal. But that was then.

    Now, memory of a few moments ago flooded him as he swiveled to take in all that had transpired. So much perhaps, but honestly so little it seemed. Blitz had carted off the Susano'o person, who had fallen unconscious harmlessly. Considering the Mizukage's strange kindness to the man, Gyo assumed he had not, in fact, attempted an assault on the leader of the Mist, despite how the whole affair looked. An apparent coincidence as luck would have it and, even though something told the blond that this red-eyed fool might be incredibly famous, Gyo just could not draw a name up. The Uchiha seemed to fill their ranks with people of alleged "fame" but who had broadly accomplished... nothing of import. Maybe the journalistic standards of Konoha simply left everything on the table. It did not matter much. From his position in the ground, he saw little, but from the vantage upon the wall, the mundanity of it all become clear in a kind of comical way. Some of the most powerful people on the entire planet just... stood around watching the whole fiasco. Arisu made a bit of sense - legend having her as particularly aloof - but the rest made little. In particular, his former queen modeled herself a paragon of justice. Maybe she was bound? No matter, they seemed in rapt conversation.

    With the field clearing, the slushy-sound of ruined bodies squelched all the more loudly. Though his own concentration had consumed him at the time, short term recollection had perfectly captured the horrible sound of a body less so breaking and more so shattering, meat and bone exploding like a poorly stitched wet sack of offal flung at a wall. Thus, Zamasu and Yuko died, but perhaps more illustratively become a kind of half-body-half-paste, their lower bodies pulped, their spines utterly shattered. What a shameful waste, but God works in mysterious ways, so spoke the man dressed as a nun. He'd no time for cleanup now, but could also feel that the seal neared completion, roughly as Ryoku sprung to action, flitting from the wall to the edge of the crater and spewing an odd water-like chemical that soiled the man's beautiful pleated habit, but seemed not to harm him in any manner, though he'd probably need to redo his outfit now. He sighed, but felt heartened that an old friend had lent a hand.

    Keeping a mindful gaze from his post he would simply wait for the end, the disgusting bijuu crying out pathetically though pinned, poisoned, frozen, and otherwise incapacitated.



    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 13
    Join date : 2023-04-11
    Age : 21

    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Empty Re: Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

    Post by Matatabi Thu Apr 25, 2024 1:29 am

    D8fYEls.pngSero understood Matatabi's plight. The needless pain and suffering that was caused by that damn shield maiden that foiled her once before was enough. Was this her brother, Kokuo talking or was this compassion from one of the pitiful humans she tried to kill. The one sealing her made no attempt to ease her suffering, but to prolong it. Upon hearing Sero's words, Matatabi slouched and her body went limp. A modicum of comfort was brought to her, even from one that she tried to directly kill earlier -- one that stopped her escape long ago. A deep sigh could be heard, Sero capable of feeling it's body puffing up for a moment and then collapsing with the exhale of air.

    It's body started to have deep blue orbs form around it, raising for a brief moment before rushing towards the seal placed upon the one named Gyokusho. Resignation. To be trapped within a prison once again. Not within the cold-dark of the Gedo Mazo, but within the disjointed soul of a mortal. In it's resignation, it overheard Ryuko's conversation with Sero. "Pitiful humans and their pitiful squabbles," she said before turning her eyes towards Gyokusho.

    There was a cold silence from the man. Inner reflection? Perhaps, but Matatabi didn't take his cold brooding as a good sign for things to come. As her body started to become more and more corporeal, she started to struggle, digging her claws into the mud and tried to struggle out of the grip. " Anyone but him, brother! Anyone but him!" she said as she spoke to Kokuo. Sero's grip upon the creature relented as Matatabi became fully intangible -- into an amalgamation of chakra that started to move quickly and ferociously into the seal placed within Gyokusho.

    + Matatabi is in a weakened state due to her captivity within the Gedo Mazo statue.
    + Sealed into Gyokusho on this post. If Gyokusho gets 48 houred, Matatabi's Chakra will be redirected back to the Gedo Mazo statue.

    Matatabi's Character Sheet: HERE
    + Sealed into Gyokusho on this post. If Gyokusho gets 48 houred, Matatabi's Chakra will be redirected back to the Gedo Mazo statue.

    Strength: A
    Constitution: A (B)
    Stamina: S
    Speed: S+
    Coordination: S+
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A
    Current CP: 175 (due to being weakened by the Gedo Mazo)

    Unique Ability:
    :: Azure Katon: The Fire Release, not only, appears blue in color but is naturally hotter than normal Fire Release. Because of that, the power of all Katon techniques are increased by +1.
    :; Claw Creation: The claws are of similar strength to Chakra Reinforced Steel, making them nearly unbreakable and deadly sharp.

    Matatabi (Two-Tails/Niibi) - {350 CP}

    Strength: A (Quaternary)
    Constitution: A (Quinary)
    Stamina: S
    Speed: S+ (Primary)
    Coordination: S+ (Secondary)
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A (Tertiary)
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 1811
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Empty Re: Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

    Post by Airi Ohara Thu Apr 25, 2024 2:01 am

    This topic is on hold pending a BMod Review


    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga

    CP: 290 | 130 Senjutsu CP
    Strength: D {C}
    Constitution: B {B+}
    Stamina: B {A+}
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A
    *Attuned: Weaknessless Soaring Shortswords
    *Attuned: Str +1 Tier due to Attunement with Silent Meteoric Kote
    *Con + from Lifestyle
    *+1(+) passive Stamina due to Uzumaki
    *Raiton Chakra Cost Reduction
    *Taijutsu Chakra Cost Reduction
    *Attuned: Fuuinjutsu Chakra Cost Reduction due to Attunement with Vocalized Mask

    [Tracker] [Update]
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 1811
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Empty Re: Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

    Post by Airi Ohara Thu Apr 25, 2024 2:44 am

    Topic is no longer under review by bmod. The one requested withdrew their request. Carry on


    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga

    CP: 290 | 130 Senjutsu CP
    Strength: D {C}
    Constitution: B {B+}
    Stamina: B {A+}
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A
    *Attuned: Weaknessless Soaring Shortswords
    *Attuned: Str +1 Tier due to Attunement with Silent Meteoric Kote
    *Con + from Lifestyle
    *+1(+) passive Stamina due to Uzumaki
    *Raiton Chakra Cost Reduction
    *Taijutsu Chakra Cost Reduction
    *Attuned: Fuuinjutsu Chakra Cost Reduction due to Attunement with Vocalized Mask

    [Tracker] [Update]
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin

    Posts : 274
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    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Empty Re: Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

    Post by Arisu Fri Apr 26, 2024 2:51 pm

    Arisu shook her head at Kitsuki's question. "No. This was something else entirely. A natural evolution. The spirit of the Sage of Six Paths unlocked something inside of me." she replied, vaguely motioning to the 3rd eye on her forehead. "I doubt you'll believe me, but this is entirely coincidental, I wasn't expecting it to be possible to advance my Rinnegan without encountering other Otsutsuki." Her reply was just as even as Kitsuki's was, although it was tinged with something else. Something more positive and upbeat. A sense of excitement that was rarely present.

    Kitsuki could likely surmise the reasoning. If Arisu didn't have to hunt down the other Otsutsuki, and could gain more power passively, then it was much more likely that she would achieve a complete Rinnegan. This was unheard of, and if she was unique in that regard, it further confirmed to her that she was on the right path. She was destined to ascend. The other Otsutsuki weren't chosen, they were obstacles or allies to recruit or surpass, but even they ultimately wouldn't factor in if she was able to ignore the usual cycle.

    "If there is a threat to this world, then you'll need me as strong as I can be if we're to stand a chance. I am not the enemy, Kitsuki. I don't know why you keep trying to make me one. Perhaps you would understand if you were to visit my home dimension. Would you ever like to go and take a look for yourself? Meet others like me? Or perhaps travel to Kumogakure and meet the kin of Seid."

    Chakra Visualization -0.5 chakra
    Six Paths Sage Mode active (-5 nature active, +5 nature passive gain)
    Stamina: 349/385
    Nature Chakra: 190/190

    Jutsu Used: (Same as last for SPSM and Chakra Visualization)

    Strength: C -> A [SM]
    Constitution: B -> S [SM]
    Stamina: S++ (++) (Otsu boost: 1 tier | Living Expense: +)
    Speed: A -> S++ [SM]
    Coordination: A -> S++ [SM]
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B -> S [SM] -> S++ [CV]

    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 441
    Join date : 2020-07-18

    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Empty Re: Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

    Post by Sero Sun Apr 28, 2024 6:23 pm

    Sero would pin down the creature as it seemed to submit just as its final capture was happening. His chakra reserves were low but he could hold this form a while longer. His own bijuu within was done screaming now as well. He hadn't killed Matabi and that seemed to have settled it. Though he could feel a connection...a sort of pull in eight different directions. For the moment the Bijuu seemed to be connected. His seal pulsed and he felt the other eight for a moment. But only a fleeting one. Some were closer than others and a weaker signal. One of them weakened to the north west. So there was something else going on...had the Bijuu always been so connected? If so was there something infecting the connection itself? Sero would feel the physical form give way as his hands crashed down to the ground below. Narrowly missing crushing the sealer too. Sero would watch as the Matabi would lose form and absorb into a person he did not know. A sealer had been necessary but...Sero would abandon the skeletal form as it burst into dust around him. Crumbling away and falling to nothing. He himself would drop a good distance to the ground only to liquify himself for the landing.

    Sero would reform from the dark ball of liquid as he took his human form once more. Purple glowing eyes opening as he let his hands hang at his side. His dark robes flowing into the shadows around him as he let the high neck form. His dark hair hanging around his face as he let Gyokusho finish the sealing. This was a strange man and one who seemed well armed. Still Sero did not seem to hold fear or concern as the sealing was completed. He saw no compassion there and felt that this individual would be suited for taming the beast. Matabi would not be a threat so long as this one lived again. Still he would step forward. His fear aura filling the pit as he stopped in front of the young man. The new Jinchurikee. 

    "Much in the same way as the Bijuu are valued tactical tools of war...you yourself have become one. Know that we are just as enslaved to the village now as that bijuu is to you. Conquer Matabi....or I will be ready if you fail. Next time Matabi escapes...I will kill it."

    Character Name: Jaakuna, Sero
    Spendable Experience: 510
    Total Experience: 6010
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 25,000

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: B (B+ lifestyle)
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: A
    • Speed: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3950-jaakuna-sero
    Link to Known Techniques:https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 2155
    Join date : 2017-09-29

    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Empty Re: Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

    Post by Ryuko Mon Apr 29, 2024 4:41 am

    With the Bijuu turning intangible there was little left Ryuko could do to assist at this point.  If she had malicious intentions however this would have been the perfect spot to step in and mess with the sealing process but of course she wasn’t the kind of person who would do such a thing.   

    Still despite the fight being all but over it was worth keeping her sage mode running just a bit longer as she kept a wary eye out for any outside interference.   For all she knew whomever or whatever had freed the Bijuu from the statue was lurking nearby waiting for an opportune moment to strike. 

    “Rest Easy Matatabi.  Your new host Gyokusho is a good man, a kind man. I am sure he will see to your well being.”   Ryuko said, hoping to reassure the mighty beast just a little.  It seemed almost ready to accept the inevitable and be sealed away but for some reason didn’t seem to like Gyo for some unfathomable reason.  What could he have possibly done to offend the bijuu such?

    “Please I beseech you, Walk together with him for a time and Lend him your assistance. If you co-operate then I swear by the Sage of Six paths that I will work to build a new home for you and your brethren.  One where you can live in peace.”    

    Frankly, she didn’t want to make any more Jinchuriki if it could be helped, but as things stood they had little other choice.  They couldn’t allow Matatabi to continue to rampage since she would level the village and all who lived within it and the infrastructure wasn’t in place to send her someplace else, a place where she would be left unmolested by human hands.  That would take time, but what was time to an immortal being made of pure energy?



    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
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    Join date : 2017-09-14

    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Empty Re: Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Mon Apr 29, 2024 6:54 am

    The sealing was going well. A shinobi that Kit vaguely recognized had stepped forward and opted to seal the beast into himself. She didn't know Gyo personally but Arisu and Ryuko didn't seem to object and so Kitsuki wouldn't either. Presumably, he was a trustworthy individual and that meant he was as good an option as any when it came to containing Matatabi. With the crisis now being resolved, Kit allowed herself to be distracted by Arisu's explanation.

    She turned and narrowed her eyes at the alien. Apparently, the third Rinnegan ring was not the product of a direct acquisition but rather a gift from the Sage of Six Paths himself. Kit considered the possibility and imparted it onto her Angel. Zizz stirred at the mention of the man. This isn't new. Though Kit's expression was serious and had an unmistakable air of frustration, it softened slightly when she recalled a past incident during the War. A young Senju by the name of Ashitaka had died before her very eyes and the circumstances of his passing were incredibly strange. Her own Angel had confirmed the apparition of Hagoromo at the scene and while to this day Kit had no idea what had happened, she had no reason to doubt what Zizz had seen and sensed. The celestial refugee was not one to tell tales when it concerned such matters of grave import. Ordinarily, Kit would have been skeptical of Arisu's claim. It wouldn't have been the first time that the Ōtsutsuki had misled her about the nature of her abilities. But aside from Kit's own personal experience with the spirit of the Sage, Kit detected something in Arisu's voice. The alien sounded elated albeit in a still very muted way. It stuck out to Kit as Arisu never seemed excited about anything but when talking about her "evolution" there was a subtle change. It was the tone of someone who had been chosen above others. A privilege that had been bestowed and that would likely further convince Arisu of her status above others. Simply put, Arisu sounded too happy to be lying.

    "I believe you." Kitsuki said looking up at her frenemy. "You're not the first person Hagoromo has visited." She kept the details vague as she didn't want to talk about it further. Watching Ashitaka die was one of the most disturbing things she had seen during the conflict.

    On one hand you could say its a good omen...I mean Hagoromo was this world's hero once. Maybe he's trying to tell us that we can trust her the same as Earth trust him and his brother.
    ⵉ ⴷoⵏ'ⵜ ⴽⵏoⵡ ⴰⴱoⵓⵜ ⵜⵀⴰⵜ. ⵉⵏ ⴼⴰⵛⵜ, ⵉ ⴷoⵏ'ⵜ ⴽⵏoⵡ ⵡⵀⴰⵜ'ⵙ ⵡoⵔⵙⴻ...ⵀⴻⵔ ⵛⵔoⵙⵙⵉⵏⴳ oⵓⵔ ⵔⴻⴷ ⵍⵉⵏⴻ ⴱⵢ ⵜⴰⴽⵉⵏⴳ ⴰ Pⴰⵜⵀ oⵔ ⵜⵀⵉⵙ ⴻⵠoⵍⵓⵜⵉoⵏ. ⵙⵀⴻ ⵜⵀⵉⵏⴽⵙ ⵙⵀⴻ'ⵙ ⴰ ⴳoⴷⴷⴻⵙⵙ ⴽⵉⵜⵙⵓⴽⵉ ⴻⵠⴻⵏ ⵉⴼ ⵙⵀⴻ'ⵙ oⵏ oⵓⵔ ⵙⵉⴷⴻ ⴼoⵔ ⵏoⵡ....ⵜⵀⴰⵜ'ⵙ ⴱoⵓⵏⴷ ⵜo ⵛⴰⵓⵙⴻ pⵔoⴱⵍⴻⵎⵙ ⵍⴰⵜⴻⵔ ⴷoⵡⵏ ⵜⵀⴻ ⵍⵉⵏⴻ.

    Kitsuki sighed and considered Arisu's words. The offer to visit her homeworld was a bit surprising. She had expressed interest about it but she never imagined that she'd be invited to visit. She wasn't sure if she would accept although she understood why the opportunity was being offered. Arisu was intent on convincing her that Arisu's ascendance posed no threat to her or humanity. Kit was now certain that Arisu was sincere in this belief. She genuinely did not wish others harm and was committed to helping as many people as she could, but the nagging reality could be ignored no longer.

    "Its because you think you're better than us." Kitsuki said plainly. If Arisu would protest the accusation, Kit would be more insistent. "Don't try to deny it. You really believe that you are above us as a species. That's my concern. You're genuinely a good person but that mindset makes you a threat. So many shinobi here on Earth believed themselves to be better and above their peers and while they might have started out with pure and noble intentions, it wasn't long before they were causing the very atrocities they sought to prevent. No being is immune from the curse of pride."

    Kitsuki held out a finger and Zizz perched on it. Kit wanted to be friends with Arisu. She really did but the rift between them was deep and wide. It was difficult for them to understand each other given the vast differences in culture and life experience. But if Arisu was going to try to express herself and her intentions then so would Kitsuki. She held up the small Angel so that the Rinnegan-wielder could see her.

    ⵢoⵓ'ⵔⴻ ⴳoⵉⵏⴳ ⵜo ⵜⴻⵍⵍ ⵀⴻⵔ ⴰⵔⴻⵏ'ⵜ ⵢoⵓ?
    She needs to be able to trust us.
    ⵉ ⵀopⴻ ⵢoⵓ ⴽⵏoⵡ ⵡⵀⴰⵜ ⵢoⵓ'ⵔⴻ ⴷoⵉⵏⴳ ⴽⵉⵜ

    "Zizz is from a world that was destroyed by members of the Ōtsutsuki Clan. The survivors created her and her kin as an answer to the Ten-Tails. She and the other 8 Angels are responsible for traveling through the cosmos and bonding with hosts for the purpose of preventing Ōtsutsuki infiltration and destruction so that no planet may share the same fate."

    Kit suspected that Arisu might already be vaguely aware of the Angel's prejudice but now she'd have a very clear understanding of why it was so hostile to her. It would also explain Kit's wariness regarding her clan.

    "You can understand why she isn't your biggest fan I hope" ⵓⵏⴷⴻⵔⵙⵜⴰⵜⴻⵎⴻⵏⵜ. "But regardless of the evil that was done to her people....I will not blame you for that. Nor will I hate any other Ōtsutsuki that has come here to protect rather than to destroy. Ken Tetsudashi and I were born in the same country but I wouldn't want people lumping me in with him. Likewise, I will not hold you to the crimes of other members of your species....but I will hold you to the same standard as I would any fellow Kiri citizen. That standard is that of humility. Yes, we are strong and yes we are royal but we are not divine nor should we think of ourselves as such. Power alone will not make you a better steward of Earth, learning to forsake it to rely on others will"

    "A fully realized Rinnegan is dangerous...dangerous enough to scare even me." Kitsuki admitted quietly. Even as they faced down a monstrous Bijuu, Kit hadn't broken a single sweat. She was supremely confident in her abilities as a shinobi but she was also aware of her limitations. She had seen what one Path could do and could guess that the others were just as strong. It was hard to be so vulnerable to Arisu but it was necessary. "But the only thing that scares me worse is if its in the hands of someone that truly doesn't understand humanity. Someone who sees us not as equals but as children. And maybe some of that is our fault. You may not have received the best impressions given the events over the past few years. And what Menza did to you was unforgivable...but before you gain more Paths at least allow me a chance to show you the better side of our people. Just as I would be honored to see the better side of yours."

    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Empty Re: Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

    Post by Gyokusho Yesterday at 5:31 am

    Almost as quickly as it had begun, the sealing ritual was completed. It had taken a moment to be sure, and a longer moment that Gyo had anticipated and would have liked, but it was completed either way. Like noodles from a bowl of rich broth, the tendrils of chakra to which the 2 tails had been reduced were sucked up greedily into the seal, ending its mostly ineffective reign of terror a scant few feet from where it had begun, the defense force of the village having pinned it down almost immediately. Gyo was used to the spotlight, but not in such a strange circumstance, so he gave a quick bow, then threw himself back into the arms of his puppet, which would proceed to carry him from the pit and up the stairs to the wall from which he had previously perched. Certainly this would require meetings and the like later. But for now, he'd need to tend to his shops and such.

    Sealed 2-tails
    If so, potential exit


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+

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    Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate - Page 2 Empty Re: Bijuu's Rampage Event: Matatabi at the Eastern Gate

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